School of Sales by The Salesgirls

The Science Behind Vision Planning with Dr. Cynthia Kempinski

Macy McNeely, Kathryn Shubert and Loy Day Episode 112

Have you ever been so excited to create a vision board at the beginning of a new year just to find that you don't actually accomplish many of the things that you set your sights on?

If so, you should know that 1) that's super common and 2) there might be a HUGE missing piece in your goal setting and vision casting.

Dr. Cynthia Kempinski of The Kempinski Clinic takes us on a deep dive on the SCIENCE behind vision planning so you can actually reach the goals and dreams that you have.

This is how you can say bye to magazine scraps and wishing on a star and say hello to:

  • taking ACTION on your ideas 
  • calculating your goals so you KNOW they'll happen 
  • focus on the picture for YOUR life instead of dreamy Pinterest pictures of stuff 
  • be rich toward others which will help you enjoy getting rich 

All of this will help you be the OWNER of your life, which is exactly what we're helping you do in the Vision Board Workshop happening in the Winner's Circle Facebook Group on January 4th at 12pm ET.

Mark your calendar and join the group HERE!