School of Sales by The Salesgirls

To the Girl Who is Embarrassed to Sell

Macy McNeely & Kathryn Shubert Episode 355

Macy's current obsession: creating salesgirls that experience outrageous financial success.

That sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, right?

Maybe you think financial success isn't in the cards for you because you were made to serve. But what if I told you that financial success is a reflection of that service - that people WANT to pay for what you have to offer..but maybe they don't know what that is because you're too afraid or embarrassed to tell them? If that's you, then listen up.

In today's episode, Macy covers:

  • what to do when your natural human tendencies become your biggest liability
  • her journey of how she came out of an old identity + into her salesgirl identity
  • what happens when you stop hiding behind being indirect

To hear Macy's episode "A Letter to My Past Self", click HERE

We're ready to see you in Cohort 38! When you enroll today, you have immediate access to your portal + can dive in at your own pace before School of Sales begins on October 20th. To learn more about School of Sales, click HERE.

If you'd like to purchase your copy o f Persuade for Good, click HERE.

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