School of Sales by The Salesgirls

[LOY LESSON] Part 1 of 2: The Big Surprises in Life

Macy McNeely, Kathryn Shubert and Loy Day Episode 155

Introducing: Loy Lessons - a new, ongoing series here on the GUIDE Culture Podcast!

If you're an avid listener, you most likely know Loy - he's the creator of GUIDE Culture and is a massive part inside the training.

If you're new around here, first welcome 👋🏽  For the full story of GUIDE Culture and how everyone is connected, click here.

Here's the cliff notes for this episode ⤵️

Loy Lessons started on Instagram about 4 years ago when Macy - Loy's daughter and co-CEO of GUIDE Culture - was getting her business off the ground and wanted to share Loy's wisdom with her audience.

They became fan favorites that slowly turned into Instagram lives, podcast episodes and more recently pivoted to Clubhouse.

Loy is a constant voice of truth around GUIDE Culture and always reminds us of tried and true principles that apply to life and business. Because of that, we want a place for his content to live forever so that you can reference it whenever you need.

This episode marks the first of the new Loy Lesson Series - here's how it will work:

  • On Mondays, you can tune into Loy's Clubhouse room, School of Sales. at 10am ET / 9am CT / 8am MT / 7am PT for a debrief of the previous weeks podcasts episodes, possibly some coaching and Q+A. 
  • On Wednesdays and Fridays, you can find NEW Part 1 and Part 2 of Loy Lessons.