School of Sales by GUIDE Culture®

Building a Business That Lasts

February 09, 2021 Macy McNeely, Kathryn Shubert and Loy Day Episode 119
School of Sales by GUIDE Culture®
Building a Business That Lasts
Show Notes

Last week, we welcomed 100 new students into our 8 Week Signature Program and with that, we spent a lot of time talking with people to help them make a decision that was best for them.

As we were talking with people, both Kat and Macy kept seeing a theme and it was something along the lines of: “I’ve invested in a launch system. I’ve invested in branding. I’ve invested in email marketing. I’ve invested in a social media coach. I’ve invested in a website - and I haven’t seen that money come back. So I can’t invest in myself anymore until I do.”

And listen, we get it. We also want to make sure we're doing what we can to ensure that what we put into the business will show a return.

Which is the very reason why Macy is excited to explain the concept of what's happening and why you possibly haven't seen a huge return on your investments thus far.

In this episode, she goes into 2 general categories of focus in business and which one needs your attention the MOST!