School of Sales by The Salesgirls

Your Key to More Leads

Macy McNeely, Kathryn Shubert and Loy Day Episode 235

How many times have you found yourself obsessing over the number of eyeballs your business is attracting? This is a very common concern amongst business owners, whether they are a coach, nutritionist, or even if they run a brick and mortar.

In today’s episode, Kat is leading an important discussion about why focusing on getting more eyes on your business can actually create more tension for you. Instead, she’s here to help you reframe your approach to getting more leads. From how you can be in control simply by flipping the funnel, to how you can take ownership as a salesperson before any conversation starts, this episode is incredibly important if you want to develop the important skill of sales.

Kat shares her own story of what happened when she finally learned to become a salesperson, along with the biggest thing that is possible for you when you finally become a salesperson. She also discusses the importance of guiding through belief, connection, and showing. This episode is packed with valuable insight so grab a pen and paper as you’ll want to take notes!

In this episode, we cover:

  • Why getting more eyes on your business can create tension
  • How to be in control of who finds you by flipping the funnel
  • Why you can take ownership as a salesperson before the conversation even starts
  • What happened when I finally learned to become a salesperson
  • The biggest thing that happens when you become a salesperson
  • Guiding through belief, connection, and showing
  • Why you can lean into objections when you’re confident and certain

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